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HESI Entrance Exams DMS, LPN-ADN, Nursing, and Surg Tech

Registration is a 2-step process and is invalid if both steps are not completed in sequence.

Use your student email and N number to:
FIRST – create an account and purchase required exam through Evolve
SECOND – reserve ONE seat immediately after exam purchase

Seats without payment will be deleted. Walk-ins will not be admitted.

Registration closes at 3:00 p.m. two (2) business days before the test session.

Pay ID’s are for February 2025 ONLY.
Pay ID’s and test sessions are not interchangeable.

If you have a disability for which you may require accommodations, please see the Accessibility Specialist at your respective campus. You will need to provide documentation of your disability.

  1. Contact an Accessibility Specialist:
    • If you are not registered with Disability Resources, please create an accommodation request through Accommodate at:  https://morainepark-accommodate.symplicity.com/public_accommodation/
      An Accessiblity Specialist will respond to your request with next steps. Please note, you must create your Accommodate account and therefore start the accommodations process at least 3 weeks before the last in-person test session of the current HESI testing window.
    • If you are registered with Disability Resources, please use your Accommodate account to schedule an appointment with the Accessibility Specialist to discuss your request. If you already have approved MPTC accommodations, please make your request for HESI accommodations at least 3 weeks prior to your desired exam date. Test date must be scheduled on or before the last in-person test session of the current HESI testing window.
  2. After you have met with an Accessibility Specialist and your testing accommodations are approved, you will be given instructions on how to purchase and schedule your exam.

Study Guides

HESI A2 – NurseHub

Online Resources

Student Success Center

For information about how to prepare in the Student Success Center contact the following:

Recommended Book

Admission Assessment Exam Review 5th edition is available in all MPTC bookstores & available for checkout at all MPTC libraries. It is also available from Amazon.

HESI Admission Assessment Exam Review. This easy-to-read review book highlights the topics you need to know. Includes HESI Hints from the testing experts at HESI. Online practice exams prepare you for the HESI Admission Assessment Exam.

  • HESI Hints boxes offer valuable test-taking tips
  • Step-by-step explanations and sample problems in the math section
  • Sample questions in all sections
  • A 50-question comprehensive post-test
  • Easy-to-read format with consistent section features
  • NEW! Comprehensive practice exams with over 200 questions
  • NEW! Updated, thoroughly reviewed content
  • Reading Comprehension (55 questions) Which consist of health related scenarios that measure reading comprehension. Identify the main idea, find meaning of words in context, passage comprehension and making logical inferences.
  • Mathematics (55 Questions) Basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, fractions, decimals, ratio and proportion, household measures and general math facts used in calculating drug dosages and solutions. Calculator built into the exam.
  • Anatomy and Physiology (30 Questions) Provides coverage of general terminology anatomical structures and systems

You are encouraged to complete General Anatomy and Physiology prior to taking the HESI A2 exam. If you have any questions, please contact your academic advisor.

It is recommended you take the exam within three years of petitioning. However, there is no expiration to your score and can be utilized for petitioning at any time.

On exam day:

Bring picture ID (driver’s license, student ID, passport)

You are allotted 2.5 hours for the exam and can leave when finished.

Do not bring notes or books to the test room.

2 sheets of scratch paper will be provided.

You will have the option for one restroom break.

Calculators will be available within the exam as needed.

No printing during the exam. No electronics allowed.

How to view your HESI score report: HESI score report

Nursing students need to achieve a cumulative score of 74%.

Diagnostic Medical Sonography need to achieve a cumulative score of 70%.

The petition process weighs your score along with your GPA, science grades and other requirements.

Score reports and remediation are generated to you in 48 hours.

Your Evolve Elsevier account will have a copy of your score report and your scores are automatically sent to MPTC and saved in the system.

If you do not achieve a the required cumulative score for your program, you will be allowed two (2) additional attempts to take the HESI-A2 entrance exam.

You are allowed three (3) attempts total on the HESI-A2. You will need to wait at least three months in between the initial exam and the retake to ensure you have completed remediation and adequate study efforts to ensure success on the second attempt.

Remediation is required prior to retake unless you have received associate dean of nursing approval.

Please meet with your academic advisor and visit the Student Success Center for remediation completion.


Add study packets by following the steps below:

  1. Open the HESI Student Access after logging into your Evolve account
  2. Locate the exam you wish to remediate on and click on the ‘View Results’ link on the right hand side.
  3. Choose a specialty area to view remediation for and select ‘View Materials’ on the right hand side.
  4. Click the box in front of the listed remediation item.
  5. Click the ‘Add to study packet’ button. The student can also filter the remediation that is displayed to access specific content based on Specialty area and Content Type.

If there are remediations available the student will be able to add and review them.

To cancel, reschedule, and/or request a refund: contact Joely Magana at jmagana@morainepark.edu (preferred) or 920-924-3118, TTY/VP: Use Relay/VRS.

Exams can be rescheduled within the current testing schedule, pending availability.

Only one (1) HESI A2 exam cancellation will be eligible for a refund. Subsequent cancellations will not be refunded. All efforts should be made to cancel 48 hours in advance of scheduled test date. Refunds must be submitted within 90 days of exam purchase.

Please note if you fail to show up for a scheduled exam without notice, you will not be eligible for a refund.

Your HESI A2 entrance exam taken at another college may be considered for selection if the exam consists of the same content areas. If over three years, you need to provide an explanation of circumstances in writing to your academic advisor.

Your transcript must be sent by Evolve Elsevier to MPTC directly; no student submissions will be accepted. The processing fee per transcript is $15.00. Processing time is three to five working days. Please send a transcript request form (found on Elsevier’s  website) via email to transcripts@elsevier.com. After submitting your request you must call Elsevier at 1-800-950-2728 ext.6947 with your credit card number.

Moraine Park Technical College 700 Gould StBeaver Dam WI53916
Moraine Park Technical College235 N National AveFond du Lac WI 54935
Moraine Park Technical College2151 N Main StWest Bend WI 53090

A2 exam 1st time tester Pay ID for February 2025 only
A2 exam - 2nd or 3rd time tester Pay ID for February 2025 only.
  1. Login to Evolve using this link: https://hesistudentaccess.elsevier.com/payments.html?PaymentID=28794  
  2. Click on the “Student Access” link where you will be instructed to complete the required payment information.
Feb. 2025 A2 schedule

DateDayCampusRoomStarts atReservation
14 Feb. 2025FridayWBN11212:00 p.m. Reserve a seat IMMEDIATELY AFTER exam has been purchased.
17 Feb. 2025 MondayWBN1129:30 a.m.Reserve a seat IMMEDIATELY AFTER exam has been purchased.

85-item comprehensive exam

  • Test items are normed on LPN/VNs currently in clinical practice.
  • Measures competencies across LPN/VN content areas, including:


  • Fundamentals
  • Maternity
  • Medical-Surgical
  • Pediatric Nursing
  • Professional Issues
  • Psychiatric/Mental Illness

It is recommended you take the exam within three years of petitioning. However, there is no expiration to your score and can be utilized for petitioning at any time.

On exam day:

Bring picture ID (driver’s license, student ID, passport)

You are allotted 1.5 hours for the exam and can leave when finished.

Do not bring notes or books to the test room.

2 sheets of scratch paper will be provided.

Calculators will be available within the exam as needed.

No printing during the exam. No electronics allowed.

Nursing students need to achieve a cumulative score of 800.

The petition process weighs your score along with your GPA, science grades and other requirements.

Score reports and remediation are generated to you in 48 hours.

Your Evolve Elsevier account will have a copy of your score report and your scores are automatically sent to MPTC and saved in the system.

You will complete the remediation provided in your Evolve account, and when complete email nursingprogram@morainepark.edu

If you do not achieve a the required cumulative score for your program, you will be allowed two (2) additional attempts to take the HESI LPN-ADN entrance exam.

You are allowed three (3) attempts total on the HESI LPN-ADN entrance exam. You will need to wait at least three months in between the initial exam and the retake to ensure you have completed remediation and adequate study efforts to ensure success on the second attempt.

Remediation is required prior to retake unless you have received associate dean of nursing approval. Remediation is self-study using the study packet provided by Elsevier. Study packets will be available 48 hours after the last schedule test in the current HESI schedule.

Study packets will be available 48 hours after the last schedule test in the current HESI schedule.

Add study packets by following the steps below:

  1. Open the HESI Student Access after logging into your Evolve account
  2. Locate the exam you wish to remediate on and click on the ‘View Results’ link on the right hand side.
  3. Choose a specialty area to view remediation for and select ‘View Materials’ on the right hand side.
  4. Click the box in front of the listed remediation item.
  5. Click the ‘Add to study packet’ button. The student can also filter the remediation that is displayed to access specific content based on Specialty area and Content Type.

If there are remediations available the student will be able to add and review them.

To cancel, reschedule, and/or request a refund: contact Joely Magana at jmagana@morainepark.edu (preferred) or 920-924-3118, TTY/VP: Use Relay/VRS.

Exams can be rescheduled within the current testing schedule, pending availability.

Only one (1) HESI LPN-ADN exam cancellation will be eligible for a refund. Subsequent cancellations will not be refunded. All efforts should be made to cancel 48 hours in advance of scheduled test date. Refunds must be submitted within 90 days of exam purchase.

Please note if you fail to show up for a scheduled exam without notice, you will not be eligible for a refund.

Your HESI LPN-ADN entrance exam taken at another college may be considered for selection if the exam consists of the same content areas. If over three years, you need to provide an explanation of circumstances in writing to your academic advisor.

Your transcript must be sent by Evolve Elsevier to MPTC directly; no student submissions will be accepted. The processing fee per transcript is $15.00. Processing time is three to five working days. Please send a transcript request form (found on Elsevier’s  website) via email to transcripts@elsevier.com. After submitting your request you must call Elsevier at 1-800-950-2728 ext.6947 with your credit card number.

Moraine Park Technical College 700 Gould StBeaver Dam WI53916
Moraine Park Technical College235 N National AveFond du Lac WI 54935
Moraine Park Technical College2151 N Main StWest Bend WI 53090

LPN exam - 1st time tester Pay ID for February 2025 only
LPN exam - 2nd and 3rd time tester Pay ID for February 2025 only.
  1. Login to Evolve using this link: https://hesistudentaccess.elsevier.com/payments.html?PaymentID=28795 
  2. Click on the “Student Access” link where you will be instructed to complete the required payment information. 
Feb. 2025 LPN schedule

DateDayCampusRoom Starts atRegister
14 Feb. 2025FridayWBN11210:00 a.m.Reserve a seat IMMEDIATELY AFTER exam has been purchased.
17 Feb. 2025MondayWBN11212:30 p.m.Reserve a seat IMMEDIATELY AFTER exam has been purchased.

If, after reviewing all of the instructions, there are remaining registering and/or scheduling questions, please contact Joely Magana jmagana@morainepark.edu.