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Parenting Student Support Services

22% of College Students are Parents

Being a student and a parent involves juggling numerous tasks and responsibilities. The people and resources available both on and off the Moraine Park campus will support you throughout your academic journey. Explore what’s available to you as a student parent today.

“Parenting students have so much to their stories. We have to meet every student parent, each family where they are, so we can include ‘College Graduate’ to each parenting student’s story.” – Jackie Morgan, Student Resource & Equity Specialist

Delilah Hernandez, Mother and Graduate

In 2017, while 7 months pregnant, Hernandez made the decision to prioritize her education for herself and her children. Seven years later, she has completed her GED, become a mother of three and will earn her associate degree in Nursing this spring.

Jackie Morgan
Student Resource and Equity Specialist

Jackie Morgan

Answers provided will be used to gather information to inform programming and resources for pregnant and parenting students. This entire survey will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.

Available Resources

Basic Needs and Accommodations

Community and Belonging

Off-campus Resources

  • State of WI Childcare Subsidy
  • Childcare Resources
  • Family Resource Centers
  • Housing
  • United Way 2-1-1
  • Well Badger
  • Tax Credits
  • W-2/FoodShare Employment and Training

Parenting Student Stories

Mailia Bachleitner

When Mailia graduated high school and started her family, her priority became being a mother, but ten years later she developed new career aspirations.

“In comparison to four-year universities, Moraine Park was more affordable,” Bachleitner said. “I was also able to complete my desired program online. As a mother and full-time employee, these advantages, as well as the support from those closest to me, encouraged me to pursue my dreams.”

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Ryan Riley

After being accepted into the program, Riley’s world began to shift very quickly. He quit his full-time job, and with a girlfriend and three children to support, he had to make major adjustments.

“It was a scary decision to quit my job and go back to school, but what was even scarier was the thought of spending the rest of my life working a job I did not like and not providing for my family,” Riley said.

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Crystal Guell

When Crystal became a wife and mother, it was a challenge to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Taking some time to self-reflect, she left her job at the factory to stay home with her children.

She enrolled in Moraine Park’s Early Childhood Education program in summer 2022 and will graduate with her associate degree in spring 2024. In the future, she plans to pursue her bachelor’s degree in hopes of becoming a kindergarten teacher.

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Jackie Fuller

Outside of school, Jackie enjoys spending time with her family. She has a fiancé and two teenage sons. The boys both fully support their mom going back to school and love to help her study with flashcards and quizzes.

“My kids are getting older,” she said, “I want to be able to show them they can be anything they want to be and that it’s never too late.”

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