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Student Emergency Funds

An emergency financial assistance program is available to eligible enrolled and attending Moraine Park Technical College (MPTC) students.

The Student Emergency Fund (SEF) was established to help program students who encounter an unforeseen financial emergency that would otherwise prevent them from continuing their education at MPTC.

Please read and understand the eligibility requirements, eligible vs. ineligible expenses, award information and application process before applying.

Student Eligibility Requirements

Students must meet emergency fund grant eligibility criteria to receive funding. Eligibility criteria includes:

  • The student has at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA and is enrolled in a financial aid-eligible program (Click here to view information on what programs are financial aid eligible – under ‘Are You Eligible?’), OR
  • The student must have a completed FAFSA and be eligible for a Pell Grant.
  • Students must be enrolled and attending undergraduate classes within the published term dates of the funding request.
  • Students with a hold or unpaid balance on their student record or account are ineligible. A student’s account must be in good standing. Students with established payment plans are eligible.
  • Students must complete the online application and submit evidence indicating financial hardship related to an emergency, accident, illness, or other unplanned or unexpected event. The evidence must include the nature and amount of the expense and the third party to whom the amount is owed.
    • Evidence may include: eviction notice, accident report, medical record, disconnection or past due notice, layoff notice, repair estimate, billing statement, etc.

Student Emergency Fund Awards

  • Awards range from $150 – $500.
  • The maximum amount allowed per academic year is $500 (July 1 – June 30).
  • The maximum amount allowed per application is $500. Funding may be awarded on multiple occasions up to $500 (application required each time).
  • Students will be notified of the approval or denial within five (5) business days of a completed application, unless further consideration is warranted. Exceptions occur when the college is closed for holidays.
  • Enrolled and attending students may request an emergency fund anytime during the academic year. If a second application is submitted in the same academic year, the student may be required to meet with a financial aid specialist or college counselor before a fund is awarded.
  • Student emergency fund requests will be considered first-come, first-served as long as funding is available.

Funding Sources

There are multiple funding sources. Each funding source has its specified allowable expenses. For example, some funds may allow for food, while others may not. Students are considered for funds that best meet their need and for those in which they are eligible.

Eligible Expenses (varies by funding source)

  • Medical costs not covered by insurance
  • Replacement of belongings lost in a fire, flood, or other natural disaster
  • Travel costs to get to campus or a clinical site
  • Support shelter for a student in a dangerous situation due to acts of violence or other victimization
  • Travel expenses for family death or another emergency
  • Dependent care
  • Assistance with rent/housing, essential utilities (heating, cooling, water)
  • Food
  • Other essential household expenses (internet, cell phone)
  • Textbooks, equipment, uniforms, tools, testing fees, and background checks (Please note: most funds do not allow for expenses related to program; students must meet eligibility criteria)

Ineligible Expenses (varies by funding source)

  • Tuition, past due student account balances, health insurance, and study abroad costs
  • Textbooks, and program-related expenses (Please note: some funds do allow for program-related materials and textbooks, if eligibility criteria met)
  • Alcohol, tobacco, groceries
  • Legal services, fines or forfeitures resulting from legal violations, library fines, and other fines
  • Taxes
  • Non-essential utilities (cable TV, streaming TV services)
  • Credit card bills
  • Costs for entertainment, recreation and non-emergency travel
  • Student conferences
  • Credit collections
  • Misuse of financial aid for non-essential expenses
  • Other non-essential expenses

Application Process

  1. Complete and submit the application. Required documentation must accompany the application submission.
  2. Provide documentation/evidence the financial hardship is a result of an emergency, accident, illness, work layoff or other unplanned event such as third-party receipt, billing statement, repair estimate, etc. Funding may be reduced or denied if the submitted expenses and documentation do not support the request.
  3. Check your MTPC student e-mail for notification of approved or denied request. If approved, instructions on award distribution will be included. If denied, please contact studentemergencyfund@morainepark.edu to get connected with a resource specialist.

NOTE: Emergency funds are available to students who are enrolled and attending undergraduate classes in a financial aid-eligible program with a 2.0 cumulative GPA, OR have completed the FAFSA and are Pell Grant-eligible. Limited funds are available.

To apply, please complete the online application.

If you have questions or need assistance with the application, please contact studentemergencyfund@morainepark.edu.

Community Resources

For help navigating community resources, please contact Jackie Morgan at jmorgan29@morainepark.edu or 920-924-3134, TTY/VP: Use Relay/VRS, Monday through Friday, between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.

Gas and Food Cards

Gas and food cards are available. Information, eligibility criteria and how to apply is below.

  • Students must be currently enrolled in a financial aid-eligible program and attending classes.
  • Cards will only be issued within term dates. Cards will not be issued outside of term dates and/or when you are not attending classes.
  • A maximum of two (2) cards per term can be requested.
  • The maximum number of cards that can be received is four (4) cards.
  • Card requests are considered as long as they are available.

To request a gas and/or food card, please complete and submit the request form. Students will be notified via MPTC campus e-mail when the card(s) will be available for pick up or are mailed (online students only).

Crisis Contacts

If you are in crisis, please contact:

  • The MPTC counselors at 920-922-8611, TTY/VP: Use Relay/VRS, (8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.), or
  • The 24-hour crisis lifeline at 988 (call or text), or
  • Your local emergency room.

When I lost my job with absolutely no notice, I wasn’t sure how long it would be before I could find another one. With the emergency funds, I was able to take some of the immediate pressure off of incoming bills and focus on things I needed to line up while I found different employment. I really appreciate the assistance this provided in a very stressful time.

I had used the funds to help pay for one month of rent. It did more than just keep me in school. It also allowed me to provide enough for the person in my care with what they needed and for myself for the month. We just needed it for one month to get by, and as a result, we have legitimately found ourselves in a stable position in life as well as being able to continue in our studies.

Student Emergency Fund FAQ

No. Student emergency fund applications can be submitted once a term begins. Applications submitted prior to a term start date will not be considered, and students will be asked to resubmit once the term begins. Students must be enrolled and attending undergraduate classes within the published term dates for funding consideration.

No. Students must be enrolled and attending courses to receive emergency funds.

Tuition and past due student account balances are not eligible expenses.

Textbooks, testing fees, course materials, equipment, uniforms and background checks are eligible, but students must meet criteria, including Pell Grant eligibility, in order to receive funding for these expenses.

No. Documentation or evidence is required to submit an emergency fund application. The evidence must include the nature and amount of the expense, the third party to whom the amount is owed and be directly related to the request.

Students can receive up to $500 per academic year (July 1 – June 30).

Funding is awarded first-come, first-served until as long as funding is available. Funds may not be available all year.

Moraine Park Technical College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in employment, admissions or its programs or activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the College’s nondiscrimination policies: Equal Opportunity Officer, Moraine Park Technical College, 235 North National Avenue, PO Box 1940, Fond du Lac, WI 54936-1940, 920-924-6355 or 920-924-3495, TTY/VP: Use Relay/VRS.