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Student Community Impact

Contact us for information!

Picture of Kim Spartz

Kim Spartz

Experiential Learning Specialist

Why Should Students Participate in Community Impact?

  • Increase your understanding of what you are learning in your program courses
  • Gain hands-on experience
  • The possibility of leading to an internship or job!
  • Explore and act on your values and beliefs to make a difference in your community
  • Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Grow your understanding of diverse cultures and communities
  • Learn more about community issues and their root causes
  • Improve your ability to adapt to change; become more flexible
  • Develop or enhance your skills in communication, collaboration, and leadership
  • Test out your skills and interests in your career path field
  • Connect with professionals and community members who you will learn from and might be able to use a reference
  • Looks GREAT on a resume
  • Earn an MPTC Community Impact Award! This Award is something you are encouraged to add to your resume/ portfolio.
    • 25 hours – Bronze Award
    • 50 hours – Silver Award
    • 100 hours – Gold Award
    • 200 hours – President’s Award

View most recent award recipients here: 2024

Ways to Participate

Service Learning

Moraine Park Technical College is committed to community engagement and student success. The College supports these commitments through the opportunity for students to participate in service learning and apply their classroom knowledge to an applicable, real world environment. Service Learning is defined as a method of teaching characterized by student participation in an organized service project that meets an identified community need and is connected to course content-specific learning outcomes with structured reflection relating to the service activity.

*Please note, several MPTC healthcare programs require “clinical hours” for experiential learning by accreditation standards.  Clinical hours are not applicable to service learning.  Unpaid internships or practicum hours may be applicable.  Please contact Kim Spartz, Experiential Learning Specialist with questions.

Student Volunteers / NobleHour

Moraine Park Technical College is committed to community engagement and student success.  We encourage our students and staff to share your time and talent, connecting and volunteering to help and improve the communities where we live, work and go to school.

We find opportunities, track hours and reflections through NobleHour: https://volunteer.morainepark.edu

View our Student Community Impact Handbook for directions and more information.

Community Partner Projects

To request a class/group service learning project, please complete this online request form.

Contact Kim Spartz, Experiential Learning Specialist at kspartz@morainepark.edu or call 920-924-3217, TTY/VP: Use Relay/VRS with any questions.

*Once your project is approved, please complete this waiver form.