Start College Now Program
The Start College Now program allows eligible 11th and 12th grade students who are currently enrolled in a Wisconsin public high school to enroll in Moraine Park courses to earn high school and college credit at the same time.
Students apply directly to their high school for approval to the Start College Now program. The school district will pay 100% of the tuition, fees, and required textbooks and course materials. Students who are not successful in Start College Now courses may need to reimburse school districts for the course and book fees.

The following 11th and 12th grade Wisconsin public high school students are eligible to apply for Start College Now:
- Must have completed 10th grade. 10th grade students in the spring semester can apply for the upcoming fall when they will be in 11th grade
- Must be in good academic standing and have no disciplinary/enrollment issues.
- Must have approval from the high school and parent/guardian. Review parent/guardian state guidelines for more information.
- Must exhibit social and emotional maturity and the self-motivation needed to take college-level coursework.
- There is the potential for mature subject matter in Start College Now courses. In addition, parent/guardian communication with the College is limited by the Family Educational Rights Protection Act (see MPTC FERPA Information). If you have questions, you can contact the recruitment office at or by calling 920-924-3208, TTY/VP: Use Relay/VRS
- MPTC courses typically use the online learning platform Canvas. Canvas does not work well with Chromebooks. Read the FAQs for online learning.
- Moraine Park has a maximum limit of 22 credits per semester to support the success of students. Students may request credit limit exceptions on a case by case basis. This limit also includes any combination of dual enrollment (dual credit, contract and Start College Now.)
- Start College Now students are eligible to use College support services such as tutoring, disability resources, advising and more. Exception: Students under 18 years of age who seek mental health or personal counseling will be referred to services at their respective high school or Bettermynd.
- Start College Now students are not eligible for Moraine Park Foundation scholarships or Financial Aid.
- Meet with your high school counselor to determine if Start College Now (SNC) is right for you.
- Students submit a completed and parent/guardian signed Start College Now (SCN) application to their high school by March 1 for the fall semester and October 1 for the spring semester.
- High schools approve and send SCN applications to AND include an unofficial high school transcript and ACT test scores (if available). MPTC must receive by April 30 for the fall semester and November 30 for the spring semester.
- MPTC will text students when their SCN application has been received. Note: This does not mean “you’re in” just yet.
- Applications are reviewed by MPTC to ensure students meet course requirements. Next steps will be communicated by email to the student, high school, and parent/guardian within four business days.
- Course registration details will be sent via email to each student.
- Students register for their course(s) by phone, or in-person at one of our three campus locations, or an online form.
- Courses are available on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Students must identify themselves as SCN at the time of registration to ensure proper payment coding.
- Orientation details will be emailed to students and parents. MPTC will review rules, expectations, coursework standards, accessing MPTC student accounts, and more.
2024-25 Academic Year
- August 14 SCN Orientation Session for students and parents (online 11:30 a.m. or 5:30 p.m.) or On Campus (2:00 p.m.)
- August 26 Start of Fall 2024 semester
- October 1 Spring semester student applications due to high school counselors
- November 12 Spring semester registration for MPTC program students (including Nursing Assistant, EMT, and Concurrent Enrollment students)
- November 13 Registration Sessions for students and parents (online 11:30 a.m. or 5:30 p.m.)
- December 4 Spring semester registration opens for Start College Now students
- January 8 SCN Orientation Session for students and parents (online 11:30 a.m. or 5:30 p.m.)
- January 20 Start of Spring 2025 semester
- March 1 Fall semester student applications due to high school counselors
- April 15 Fall semester registration for MPTC program students (including Nursing Assistant, EMT, and Concurrent Enrollment students)
- April 16 Registration Sessions for student and parents (online 11:30 a.m. or 5:30 p.m.)
- April 30 Fall semester registration opens for Start College Now students
Q. Will I need to complete a Moraine Park admissions application in addition to the Start College Now application?
A. No, but there are exceptions. Students who plan to take the Nursing Assistant (CNA) or EMT class or are completing a certificate or degree as part of a high school academy, must complete program admission with the required application fee. Nursing Assistant and EMT also have a $45 criminal background check. These fees are the responsibility of the student.
Q. Can I take courses through SCN during the summer?
A. Start College Now is not available for summer.
Q. How much high school credit will be earned through SCN?
A. High school credit earned is at the discretion of the high school district.
Q. Am I guaranteed to get the class(es) I have been approved to take?
A. No. Class sizes are limited and times, dates, campus locations, and delivery formats vary. Classes are filled on a first come, first-served basis. We encourage SCN students to register for their classes as soon as they are allowed for the best possible choices. Students may want to list alternative courses on the original SCN form so that their high school can pre-determine the acceptability of back-up options.
Q. May I take courses through SCN and ECCP (Early College Credit Program – UW System) at the same time?
A. No. Per state statute 118.55, 2(a), sub. (7t) (c), students may alternate by semester but cannot participate in both programs concurrently. Students may still enroll in contracted courses and/or dual credit with the technical college while enrolled in ECCP. This statute only refers to concurrent enrollment in SCN and ECCP.
Q. Is there a limit to the number of courses I can take through SCN?
A. There is no limit on courses a student may take; however, high school districts may have a policy which limits the total number of college credits earned through SCN and ECCP (Early College Credit Program).
Q. Will Moraine Park’s academic calendar align with my high school calendar?
A. No. A SCN student is expected to follow Moraine Park’s academic calendar and may need to be in class when their high school is off. Semester start and end dates will also be different.
Q. I received a tuition bill in the mail. Am I required to pay?
A. No, not if it was approved by MPTC and your high school as part of Start College Now. If you receive a bill, please contact MPTC recruitment at 920-924-3208 or to ensure your course registration is properly coded.
Q. Can I enroll in classes that are not approved on my Start College Now application?
A. Yes, BUT you will be responsible for all costs. You also must meet all pre-requisites listed for the class, just as you would for Start College Now. Additionally, if it is during the school day, your high school must approve it under the compulsory attendance law.
Q. Why was my class denied by my high school?
A. There are several reasons that a high school may deny a class. Please check with your high school.
Q. Why was my class denied by Moraine Park Technical College?
A. Moraine Park typically denies a class because you don’t meet the class pre-requisite or co-requisite. The recruitment staff can provide details.
Q. What is a pre-requisite? What is a co-requisite?
A. A pre-requisite is a requirement that must be completed before you can enroll in a class. A co-requisite is a requirement that must be taken at the same time as the class you wish to take.
Q. I signed up for my classes but changed my mind and don’t want to attend. What should I do?
A. If you started your class but want to withdraw, immediately reach out to your assigned recruiter. They will discuss the withdrawal process, refund rules and impact of dropping a class that has already begun.
If your class(es) hasn’t started yet, you are responsible for notifying your college recruiter, using self-service, OR contacting MPTC Student Services office to officially drop from classes you do not intend to begin! Any student absent the first day of a class (online or in-person) will be administratively withdrawn and receive a grade of WN (withdrawal non-attendance.) Additionally, the high school will be refunded at 80% AND the student may be held responsible for the 20% difference, based on the policy of their high school.
See MPTC’s College Catalog for more details about the No Show procedure.
Q: I have an IEP/504 Plan in high school. Will MPTC provide support services?
A: Accommodations are available for Start College Now students. You must work with both your high school and an Accommodation Specialist at the College to ensure that needs will be met. This should be done at least eight weeks before classes begin. Start by submitting an accommodation request and creating an Accommodate Account.
Q. Can high school districts require students to reimburse the cost of a dropped or failed SCN class?
A. Yes. This decision is up to the high school district. Check your high school’s policy.
Q. How do I get my textbooks?
A. Purchase your books online at Moraine Park’s eCampus – or through other online vendors of your choice. Order at least a week before classes begin.
TIP: Find your course, click the green down arrow and look what books are needed here.
Q. What is the difference between MyMPTC Student, the VIP Account and Canvas?
A. MyMPTC Student is a portal where a student will add/drop classes, pay for classes, add or update contact information, access their class schedule, MPTC email, Canvas and more. Canvas is the College’s online Learning Management System. The VIP Account is used to submit your college admission application.
Q. Where can I get more information about Start College Now?
A. DPI oversees the rules and information about Start College Now and the ECCP. Please visit the WTCS website for more information.
Q. Who can I contact at Moraine Park with questions about Start College Now?
A. Questions? Contact MPTC recruitment- email: or call 920-924-3208 TTY/VP: Use Relay/VRS
Contact Us
Can’t find your high school? Send an email us an email: or call us at 920-924-3208 TTY/VP: Use Relay/VRS