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Title IX Pregnancy – Pregnant and Parenting Students

Overview of Title IX as it relates to students who are pregnant

Under Title IX, it is illegal for schools to exclude a pregnant student from participating in any part of an educational program. Authorized documentation must be received in order for a school to excuse a student’s absences because of a pregnancy or childbirth for as long as the student’s doctor deems the absences medically necessary.

Support and Assistance

We are here to help you meet your education and career goals. Moraine Park supports pregnant students who are entitled to equal access to our educational programs. We can assist you with any of the following issues:

  • Staying in school and attending your classes
  • Fully participating in MPTC programming and activities during pregnancy
  • Maintaining progress toward your associate degree or technical diploma with absences due to childbirth
  • Coordinating your healthcare provider’s recommendations with reasonable adjustments

NOTE: Pregnant students are required to seek assistance for excused absences or reasonable adjustments. Reasonable adjustments cannot be retroactively applied.

Please follow the steps below to ensure proper reasonable adjustment services are in place.

  1. Complete a Pregnant and Parenting Students Excused Absence and Reasonable Adjustment Request. Contact the Director of Student Development to schedule an appointment after you complete the online form.
  2. After meeting with the Director of Student Development, it is your responsibility to meet with your instructor to develop a plan to complete missed coursework.
  3. As soon as possible after the birth of your child, please submit to the Director of Student Development a letter written on letterhead by your doctor stating the starting and ending dates of your absence due to childbirth.

Grievance Procedure

Please refer to the Harassment and Discrimination Grievance Procedure in the Student Handbook.


Contact Kim Schwamn, Director of Student Development

262-335-5881, TTY/VP: Use Relay/VRS

TTY/VP: Use Relay/VRS


Moraine Park Technical College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in employment, admissions, or its programs or activities. Equal education program opportunity includes, but is not limited to access to courses and programs; admissions; student policies and their applications; counseling, guidance and placement services; physical education and athletics; financial assistance; work study; and extracurricular activities.