Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)
MSHA 8 Hour Refresher Training
For Surface Operations, Contractors and Truckers MSHA Mine Safety Refresher Courses
Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) training is designed for vendors, suppliers and contractors who employ truck drivers at mine sites engaged in shell dredging or employed in sand, gravel, surface stone or clay and surface lime-stone operations.
The safety training will consist of a combination of approaches including PowerPoint presentations, short video clips and interactive discussions. Each training topic will involve discussion and question/answer session. The duration of each session will vary depending on the topic, the participation and the trainees understanding of the material. Learn the latest changes at the mine that could adversely affect your health and safety.
This training provides eight (8) hours of safety training to employees and training certificates to each participant. Training topics will include the following:
- Current fatalities, injuries, inspections and citations
- Loader safety
- Truck Safety
- Lock out tag out
- Hazard Communication
- First Aid Refresher
- Ladder safety
- Safe Lifting
- Tire Safety
- Other Topics to be determined
Friday, April 11, 2025
7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Beaver Dam Campus
CRN: 43295
Register now by calling 920-924-3207 or 1-800-472-4554, TTY/VP: Use Relay/VRS.
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