Fair Trade Organizations
There are four international fair trade networks – sometimes referred to as FINE – that are actively engaged in supporting producers, raising awareness among consumers, and campaigning for changes at the national and international level.
- Fair Trade International (FLO)
- World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO, formerly IFAT)
- Network of European WorldShops (NEWS)
- European Fair Trade Association (EFTA)
Each of the networks have their own sets of membership organizations. For instance, the Just Fare Market of Fond du Lac is a member of the Fair Trade Federation, which in turn is an active member organization of the WFTO.
The Fair Trade International (FLO) and World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) networks also certify fair-trade products / producers, with their own “fair trade” logos. To add to the confusion for consumers, there are several other organizations that certify fair trade products with unique labels, such as
- Fair Trade USA
- IBD, IMO etc
There are also various grass root movements to raise awareness on the consumer side. An example of this is Fair Trade Campaigns, which focuses on promoting fair trade in towns, congregations, universities and schools. In 2013, Fond du Lac became the 32nd member of Fair Trade Campaigns’ Fair Trade Towns, and, in 2015, Moraine Park Technical College became the first technical college to join Fair Trade Colleges in the U.S..