The “Administration and Faculty” page provides information about the educational backgrounds of Moraine Park staff. Visit our “Staff Directory” page for contact information.
Administration and Faculty
A |
Adams, Michele Occupational Health, Safety and Risk Manager AAS, State University of New York BS, Ohio University MS, Holy Family (Silver Lake) College PhD, Indiana University of Pennsylvania |
Alexander, April Math Instructor MS, Concordia University Wisconsin |
Allar, David Quality and Advanced Manufacturing Technology Instructor BS, Capella University |
Amerling, Heather K-12 Partnership Coordinator MA, Marian University |
Anderson, Derek Fire Protection Technician Instructor BS, Waldorf University |
Atkinson, Ross Enterprise Applications Administrator BS, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point |
B |
Baerwald, Bonnie President AAS, Wisconsin Lutheran College BBA, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater MPA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Baierl, Hans Library Services Coordinator MLS, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee |
Barfield, Joan Criminal Justice/Corrections Instructor BSE, Marian University MS, University of Wisconsin-Platteville |
Barrett, James Vice President of Student Services BA, Manhattanville College MA, Sacred Heart University |
Baus, Andrew Associate Dean of Human Services BS, University of Wisconsin-Stout MBA, EdD, Concordia University Wisconsin |
Begotka, James Business Management Instructor MS, Capella University |
Bell, Lisa Accessibility Specialist BS, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater |
Bergemann, Sarah Nursing Instructor MS, Grand Canyon University |
Bjork, Anders Software Architect |
Blacklock, Benjamin Information Technology-Software Developer Instructor MS, Milwaukee School of Engineering |
Bladorn, Aaron Auxiliary Services Manager BA, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee |
Blankenheim, Brian Economics and Workforce Development Marine Power Equipment Instructor Marian University |
Blessing, Christy Talent Acquisition Manager BS, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point |
Blum, Brenda Graphic Design Instructor BS, University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Bodart, Triena Financial Aid Manager BS, University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse MA, University of Iowa |
Boenisch, Robert ABC Carpentry Apprenticeship Instructor MA, Marian University |
Bosch, Cathryn Nursing Instructor TD, TD, ADN, Moraine Park Technical College BS, MSN, Chamberlain College of Nursing |
Bouchard, Eileen Barber/Cosmetology Instructor DIPL, University Academy of Hair Design AAS, Moraine Park Technical College |
Bourland, Dana Director of College Advancement BA, Ripon College |
Boyle-Gustavus, Jeanette Electricity Instructor AAS, APPR, Moraine Park Technical College |
Boynton, Mindie Associate Dean of Customized Training BA, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee |
Braesch, Melissa Senior Talent Development Manager BBA, MBA, Western Illinois University |
Branski, Jonathan Applications Developer AAS, Waukesha County Technical College |
Buchanan, Kristine TRIO SSS Manager BFA, Aquinas College |
Buchholz, Jennifer AAS, University of Wisconsin System BA, University of Wisconsin-Parkside MA, Northeastern Illinois University |
Bull, Matthew Economics and Workforce Development CNC Instructor TD, Waukesha County Technical College |
Buytendorp, Lila Director of End User Experience BBA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh MS, Holy Family (Silver Lake) College |
C |
Carpenter, Kelly Instructional Designer MS, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee |
Chevalier, Michael Construction Project Manager AAS, Moraine Park Technical College |
Chojnacki, Sarah Associate Dean of Health Sciences TD, Nicolet Area Technical College TD, Northeast Wisconsin Technical College BS, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay MS, University of Wisconsin-Stout |
Clark, Amy Advising and Retention Manager BFA, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point MFA, Jones International University |
Clark, Heather Assistant Registrar BBA, Marian University |
Cohn, Joshua Maintenance Technician Apprentice Instructor AAS, Moraine Park Technical College BS, University of Wisconsin-Stout |
Collin, Penny K12 Partnership Coordinator BS, Marian University |
Collins, Cynthia Leadership and Organizational Development Instructor BS, University of Wisconsin-Stout MA, Marian University |
Corrente, Francesco Automotive Technician Instructor University of Wisconsin-Stout |
Coutley, James Respiratory Therapy Instructor BS, Cardinal Stritch University |
Crimmings, Alexander Economics and Workforce Development Industrial Maintenance Instructor APPR, Moraine Park Technical College |
Curran, Sara Nursing Assistant Instructor ADN, Herzing College |
D |
Daniels, James Automotive Technician Instructor BS, University of Wisconsin-Stout |
Davies, Mary Associate Dean of Credentialed Programming BS, MS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Deacy, Anne Nursing Assistant Instructor BSN, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh MBA, Cardinal Stritch University |
DeMaa, Derek Systems and Security Engineer BS, Liberty University |
DeMaa, Kimberly Assistant Financial Aid Manager BAS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Desiderio, Joseph Dean of Business, IT and AI Innovation BS, MBA, Park University |
DeVries, Lindsey Accessibility Specialist BLS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Dietzler, Luke Applications Developer AAS, ITT Technical Institute |
Dilling, Julie Accounting Instructor BBA, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater MBA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh DPGP, Grand Canyon University |
Dobogai, Andrea Nursing Instructor BSN, MSN, Marian University PhD, Concordia University |
Dolinar, Jodie Nursing Assistant Instructor AS, BS, Cardinal Stritch University MSN, Grand Canyon University |
Doman, Courtney Payroll Manager BS, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay |
Doyle, Leanne Economics and Workforce Professional Development Seminar and Grant Coordinator MS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Dreps, Anja Respiratory Therapy Instructor BS, University of Southern Indiana MS, Boise State University |
Dudzinski, Christopher Business Management Instructor AAS, Moraine Park Technical College BBA, Marian University |
Dvorak, Ivy Diagnostic Medical Sonography Instructor BS, Bellin College of Nursing |
E |
Eldridge, Daniel Welding Instructor BA, Concordia University Wisconsin |
Ewoldt, Melissa Communications Instructor BA, MS, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater |
F |
Faeh, John Security Manager Community College of the Air Force |
Falter, Joan Accounting Instructor BBA, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee MBA, Concordia University Wisconsin |
Fisher, Reza Applications Developer |
Flanders, Jason Counselor MS, Winona State University |
Fleischmann, Jonathan Math Instructor PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Flick, Tiffani Nursing Instructor MS, Cardinal Stritch University |
Forciea, Bruce Anatomy and Physiology Instructor BA, Eckerd College DC, Parker College of Chiropractic |
Freund, Tammy Information Technology-Web Developer and Mobile Applications Instructor AAS, University of Wisconsin Center-Fond du Lac BS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
G |
Garofalo, Dominic Information Technology-Web Developer and Mobile Applications Instructor AAS, University of Wisconsin Center-Sheboygan BS, MS, Holy Family (Silver Lake) College EdD, American College of Education |
Gauerke, Mallory Learning Technology Manager BA, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay |
Gerlach, Angela Economic and Workforce Development Business Development Manager |
Geschke, Joshua Economic and Workforce Development Quality and Advanced Manufacturing Technology Instructor DIPL, Madison Area Technical College BS, University of Wisconsin-Stout |
Giacomini, Danyel Nursing Instructor BSN, MSN, Concordia University Wisconsin |
Giese-Kent, Jo Ann Business Analyst Instructor AAS, University of Wisconsin Center-Fond du Lac BBA, MBA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Gilson, Ashley Nursing Instructor MS, Concordia University, Wisconsin |
Grunst, Margaret Adult Education/English Language Learning Instructor BSEd, University of Wisconsin-Madison MS, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee |
Gruss, Jeffery Criminal Justice/Corrections Instructor BS, University of Wisconsin-Platteville MS, American Public University |
Guillette, Kyle Paramedic Instructor BS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
H |
Haas, Donna Purchasing Manager |
Haensgen, Kristina Communications and Content Manager BA, Lakeland University MBA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Hall, JoAnn Dean of Economic and Workforce Development BBA, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater MBA, University of Phoenix |
Hamm, Douglas Vice President of Teaching and Learning BA, Illinois Wesleyan University MBA, Illinois State University PhD, University of the Cumberlands |
Harmsen, Amy Business Technology and Software Applications Instructor AAS, Moraine Park Technical College BS, Holy Family (Silver Lake) College MA, Marian University |
Harn, Teresa Counselor MA, Lakeland University |
Hayes, Emily Associate Dean of General Education BS, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater MA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Heilmeier, Steve Applications Developer BS, Herzing College |
Hendryx, Jennifer Teaching and Learning Innovation Manager AAS, Moraine Park Technical College BS, MS, EdD, University of Wisconsin-Stout |
Henschel, Angela Science Instructor BA, Lakeland University PhD, Medical College of Wisconsin |
Henschel, Ryan Electrical Power Distribution Instructor Chippewa Valley Technical College |
Hensel, Amy Nursing Instructor MSN, Rasmussen College |
Herrera, April Nursing Instructor BN, Marian University MSN, Grand Canyon University |
Herriges, Erika Medical Assistant Instructor BSN, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Herrmann, Jennifer Medical Assistant Instructor BS, Western Governors University |
Hess, Kimberly Student Finance Manager BS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Hill, Benjamin Facilities Operations Manager AAS, Lakeshore Technical College |
Hokenson, James CNC/Tool and Die Technologies Instructor AAS, APPR, Moraine Park Technical College |
Holte, Lane Associate Vice President of Academic Operations AA, Dawson Community College BS, Dickinson State University MBA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Horton, Matthew Instructional Technology Manager BS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Horvath, Stephen Associate Dean of Trades and Apprenticeships BS, University of Wisconsin-River Falls MS, University of Wisconsin-Superior MEd, DePaul University |
Huberty, Shannon Adult Education Instructor BA, Marian University MA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Hughes, Kathleen Associate Dean of Health PhD, Concordia University Wisconsin |
I |
Irish, Jennifer Early Childhood Education Instructor MA, Cardinal Stritch University |
J |
Jaber, Jill Corrections Manager BS, MSL, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Jacob, Pamela Nursing Assistant Instructor ADN, Moraine Park Technical College BS, Southern Illinois University |
Jacobson, Amy Adult Education/English Language Learning Instructor MA, Southern Illinois University |
Jacques, Danielle Barber/Cosmetology Instructor AAS, Moraine Park Technical College |
Jelinek, Jaclyn Executive Assistant-President’s Office |
Jensen, Paul Economic and Workforce Development Welding Instructor |
K |
Karpinski, Kelli Economics and Workforce Development Business Development Manager MBA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Kelly, Matthew Information Technology-Cybersecurity Instructor BA, Ripon College MBA, Cardinal Stritch University |
Kilgas, Gregory Business Analyst BBA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Klostermann, Dwane Medical Laboratory Technician Instructor BS, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire MS, Marquette University |
Komoroski, Kelly Economics and Workforce Development Welding Instructor TD, Lakeshore Technical College |
Konkol, Luke Curricular Systems Coordinator MS, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee |
Kostrewa, Nicole Diagnostic Medical Sonography Instructor BS, Bellin College of Nursing |
Kozlowski, Kristin Assistant Advising Manager |
Kubichka, Nicole Grant Accountant BBA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Kuhaupt, Christine Software Asset and IT Administration Manager AAS, Moraine Park Technical College BS, Ottawa University |
Kuszynski, Becky Disability Resources Manager MA, Cardinal Stritch University |
Kutz, Carrie Paralegal Instructor BA, Cardinal Stritch University MS, Concordia University Wisconsin |
L |
Laabs, Tiffany Medical Assistant Instructor BS, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee |
Lang, Jennifer Adult Education/English Learning Language Instructor BS, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee MA, Cardinal Stritch University |
Lanting, Lisa Instructional Designer MS, University of Wisconsin-Stout |
Laster, Leslie Director of Diversity, Accessibility and Support Services BA, MA, Lakeland University |
Laubenstein, Margaret Nursing Instructor MSN, Rasmussen College |
Leichtfuss, Rebecca Social Science Instructor BS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh MA, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee PhD, Marquette University |
Leigh, Randall Enterprise Applications Manager AAS, Moraine Park Technical College BA, Lakeland University |
Lepianka, Julie Nursing Instructor MSN, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Letourneau, Laura Nursing Assistant Instructor BSN, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Lisko, Kimberly Nursing Instructor BS, Grand Canyon University |
Logan, Stephen Gas Utility Construction and Service Technician Instructor BA, Concordia University Wisconsin |
Look, Katie Counselor BA, Concordia University Wisconsin MS, University of Wisconsin-Stout |
Loomans, Jason Manager of Network Engineering AAS, Moraine Park Technical College BS, Franklin University |
M |
Madison, Gloria Health Information Technology Instructor BS, MS, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee |
Magnowski, Trevor Medical Laboratory Technician Instructor BS, Austin Peay State University MS, Lakeland University |
Mallas, Krista Human Resources Coordinator BBA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Mand, Bobbi Adult Education Instructor BS, University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Manning, Jenny Business Analyst AAS, Milwaukee Area Technical College BSBAD, Cardinal Stritch University |
Marquardt, Lynn Registrar and Enrollment Services Manager BS, MS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Marquez, Roy Director of Facilities BS, DeVry University-Milwaukee |
Matteson, Jennifer Business Technology and Software Applications Instructor AAS, Moraine Park Technical College BA, Marian University MBA, Southern New Hampshire University |
Mattingly, Alicia Development Officer – College Advancement BS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Maurer, Jeremy Accounting Instructor BS, Winona State University MBA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
May, Margaret Math Instructor BS, Marian University MS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh PhD, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee |
Mayrose, Julie Grants Coordinator MA, Oakland University EdD, Drake University |
McCain, Laurence Assessment Coordinator MA, Marian University |
McCarthy, Corine Instructional Designer MS, Clemson University MS, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater |
McClyman, Jennifer Communications Instructor MA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
McClyman, Kristen Senior Talent Manager MBA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
McCreary, Beth AVP Talent and Culture BS, MBA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
McLean, Elizabeth Health and Wellness Instructor BS, University of Wisconsin-Madison DC, Palmer College of Chiropractic |
Meihack, Annette Adult Education Instructor BSEd, Marian University |
Mendoza Herrera, Esteban Economic and Workforce Development Welding Instructor AAS, Fox Valley Technical College |
Mengert, Michele Nursing Instructor BSN, MSN, Marian University DNP, University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Miller, Charles Economic and Workforce Development Truck Driving Instructor BFA, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee |
Mueller, Kathy Adult Education Instructor AA, University of Wisconsin Center-Fox Valley BS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Mulder, David Electrician Apprentice Instructor AAS, Moraine Park Technical College |
Mullane, Rebecca Communications Instructor BS, University of Wisconsin-Platteville MA, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee |
Murre Wolf, Stephanie Business Technology and Software Applications Instructor BA, Alverno College MS, Grand Canyon University |
N |
Niedfeldt, Kevin HVAC-R Instructor AAS, Northeast Wisconsin Technical College |
Niemuth, Troy Economics and Workforce Development CNC Instructor AAS, Moraine Park Technical College |
Ninmer, Sarah Marketing and Social Media Management Instructor BA, Lakeland University MS, Purdue University Global |
O |
Olig, Lisa Accessibility Specialist MS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Oliva, Iolanda Social Science Instructor BA, MS, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee |
Olson, Amy Nursing Instructor MSN, Clarke College |
Olson, James Architectural Technology Instructor AAS, Moraine Park Technical College |
P |
Pagel, Heather Math Instructor MS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Pahlow, Daniel Economics and Workforce Development Leadership Instructor BBA, University of Wisconsin-Superior BSBAD, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire MA, Holy Family (Silver Lake) College |
Paruch, Ryan Science Instructor BS, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee MA, Purdue University Global |
Paul, Aaron Fire Training Instructor AAS (2), Moraine Park Technical College BBA, Marian University MS, Holy Family (Silver Lake) College |
Phillips, Michael Network Administrator |
Pickart, Benjamin Systems and Cloud Infrastructure Engineer BA, Ripon College |
Plamann, Larry Director of Enterprise Infrastructure AAS, Fox Valley Technical College |
Pluim, Abby Economic and Workforce Development Bootcamps Project Manager BS, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay MBA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Pollard, Lisa Dean of the Beaver Dam Campus AAS, Moraine Park Technical College BS, MS, Holy Family (Silver Lake) College |
Potts, Mandy Director of Marketing and Communication BA, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee MPA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Potula, Subhash Database Administrator MSE, Wayne State University |
Putzer, Bart Creative Services Manager BFA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Q |
Quackenboss, Jeffrey Mechanical Design Technology Instructor AAS, Moraine Park Technical College |
R |
Redeker, Elizabeth Adult Education Instructor MA, University of Missouri-St. Louis |
Reed, Gregory Curriculum Coordinator MS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Repp-Butzke, Nicole Nursing Instructor BSN, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh MSN, Marian University |
Resch, Karli Human Resources Generalist BS, Marian University |
Rettler, Peter Dean of the West Bend Campus BBA, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire MS, Holy Family (Silver Lake) College |
Rhode, Sara Substance Use Disorders Counseling Instructor MSW, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Rice, Fredrick Associate Vice President of Academics AAS, Bay De Noc Community College BBA, Marian University MBA, Cardinal Stritch University PhD, Indiana State University |
Richards, Gerald Chief Information Officer BS, University of Wisconsin-Superior |
Roberts, Brittney Radiography Instructor MS, Marian University |
Roehl, Beth K-12 Partnership Manager BA, Marquette University |
Roehl, Thomas Quality and Advanced Manufacturing Technology Instructor AAS, Moraine Park Technical College BS, MS, Holy Family (Silver Lake) College |
Roettger, Susan Economics and Workforce Development Leadership Instructor MS, Northern Illinois University |
Ruedinger, Jeffrey Information Technology-Network Specialist Instructor MS, Marian University |
Rusch, Bethany Vice President of Finance and Administration MSW, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Russell, Robin CRM System Coordinator AAS, Moraine Park Technical College |
Rymer, Mark Electrician Apprentice Instructor AAS, Moraine Park Technical College APPR, Milwaukee Area Technical College |
S |
Sabel, Jennifer Institutional Effectiveness Data Analyst MA, Edgewood College |
St. John, Ryan Water Quality Instructor AAS, Bay De Noc Community College AAS, Moraine Park Technical College |
Sankey, Paola Housekeeping Supervisor |
Schatz, Christopher Dean of Health and Human Services AAS, Moraine Park Technical College BS, MS, Marian University EdD, Edgewood College |
Schlagel, Kelvin Electrical Power Distribution Instructor TD, Moraine Park Technical College |
Schmidt, Angela Counselor BA, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee MS, Concordia University Wisconsin |
Lucas Schmidt Applications Development Manager BS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Schmitt, Stacy Nursing Instructor BS, University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse MS, Grand Canyon University |
Schneider, Kylee Talent Acquisition Coordinator BBA, Marian University |
Schnettler, Scott Marine Power Equipment Instructor AAS, Moraine Park Technical College |
Schoeller, Kelly Anatomy and Physiology Instructor BA, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee DC, Palmer College of Chiropractic |
Scholten, Jason Electromechanical Technology Instructor AAS, Lakeshore Technical College |
Schoonover, Jennifer Information Technology-Technical Support Specialist Instructor AAS, Moraine Park Technical College BS, University of Wisconsin-Stout MA, Marian University |
Schrankler, Anne Early Childhood Education Instructor BEd, Carroll College MS, Concordia University Wisconsin |
Schreiber, Michael Manager of Virtualization and Desktop Support Services AAS, Moraine Park Technical College |
Schuh, Deborah Adult Education Instructor BS, Martin Luther College MEd, Arizona State University |
Schwamn, Kim Director of Student Development BEd, Council for National Academic Awards MEd, University of Wales |
Schwanz, Craig Economic and Workforce Development Industrial Maintenance Instructor AAS, Milwaukee Area Technical College |
Schwobe, David Electricity Instructor MS, University of Wisconsin-Stout |
Scott, Stephanie Health Information Technology Instructor AAS, Gateway Technical College AAS, Milwaukee Area Technical College BS, University of Cincinnati MS, University of Illinois at Chicago |
Sexton, Nicole Surgical Technology Instructor BS, Northern Michigan University |
Seidel, Craig CNC/Tool and Die Technologies Instructor TD, AAS, APPR, Moraine Park Technical College |
Seidl, Nicole Web Content Specialist BBA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Shulman, Tirza Social Science Instructor BA, Reed College MS, PhD, Kansas State University |
Simmers, James Culinary Arts Instructor BS, University of Wisconsin-Stout |
Snyder, Peter Associate Dean of Adult Education BA, University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire MEd, Arizona State University |
Springborn, Stephanie BJA Grant Coordinator MS, Northeastern Illinois University |
Stanley, Susie Social Science Instructor MFA, Cardinal Stritch University PhD, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee |
Stark, Michelle Director of Enterprise Systems AAS, Waukesha County Technical College |
Stegeman, Ali Total Rewards Coordinator BS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Stevens, Matthew Mechanical Design Technology Instructor MS, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee |
Stilwill, Marla Human Resources Instructor BBA, MS, Marian University |
Stout, Brian Associate Dean of Manufacturing and Integrated Technologies BA, Ripon College MBA, Western International University MS, University of Wisconsin-Madison EdS, EdD, University of Wisconsin-Stout |
Stueber, Jeffrey Business Management Instructor AAS, Moraine Park Technical College BS, Holy Family (Silver Lake) College MA, Marian University |
Sutfin, Breana Nursing Instructor MSN, Walden University |
T |
Taake, Robert Paramedic Instructor AAS, Fox Valley Technical College |
Ternes, Jeffrey CNC/Tool and Die Technologies Instructor TD, Moraine Park Technical College |
Theisen, Kristen Total Rewards Manager BBA, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay |
Thurin, Joseph CNC/Tool and Die Technologies Instructor TD, Waukesha County Technical College AAS, Moraine Park Technical College |
Troedel, Scott Manager of Data Security and Systems Engineer BS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Truse, Casey Nursing Instructor BSN, Marian University MSN, Concordia University Wisconsin |
Tyznik, Amy Nursing Instructor MS, Cardinal Stritch University |
U |
V |
VandeSlunt, Katie Recruitment and Admissions Manager AAS, Moraine Park Technical College BBA, Marian University |
Vang, Chue Senior Applications Developer MS, Boston University |
Vue, Koecher Business Analyst BA, Lakeland University |
W |
Wakefield, Joshua Desktop Engineer |
Waldvogel-Leitner, Julie Director of Enrollment Management BA, Ripon College MLS, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee EdD, Bay Path College |
Wamsley, Mark Electricity Instructor AAS, DIPL, Moraine Park Technical College |
Ward, Thomas Interactive Media Design Instructor CERT, Sheridan College-Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning BS, University of Wisconsin-Stout |
Warnecke, Jacquelyn Institutional Effectiveness Research Analyst BA, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee MS, University of Wisconsin-Stout |
Waurio, Laura Director of Institutional Effectiveness and Planning BS, St. Norbert College MS, Cardinal Stritch University |
Weber, Rachel Accommodation Specialist BS, University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire MA, Lakeland University |
Weiss, Stanley Economic and Workforce Development Truck Driving Instructor |
Wendt, Tara Director of Finance BBA, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Wiedmeyer, Amy Instructional Designer BS, MS, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh |
Wille, Adrian Digital Marketing Manager BA, MA, University of Erlangen–Nuremberg MBA, University of Oregon |
Y |
Yoon, Elizabeth Science Instructor BS, Carleton College MS, Oregon State University |
Z |
Zimdahl, Thomas Accounting Instructor AAS, Moraine Park Technical College BBA, MS, Marian University |
Zoschke, Daniel Economic and Workforce Development Welding Instructor |
Zwicky, Jamie Nursing Instructor MSN, Concordia University Wisconsin EdD, Liberty University |