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File and folder naming convention for the web

This document applies to naming of file assets and folders in libs.morainepark.edu and other file repositories that are linked to from the web.

Rule of thumb: Only use lowercase alphanumeric characters, periods and hyphens. Never use spaces or underscores. Never abbreviate or append words.

  • Use all lowercase letters. This will ensure compatibility between different web server environments.
    GOOD: america.pdf
    BAD: America.PDF or AMERICA.PDF
  • Use hyphens between words. Do not use spaces, underscores or other special characters. This will ensure that search engines can correctly index content, making it searchable using commonly used keywords. It will also make the link more easy to read.
    GOOD: core-abilities.pdf or united-states-of-america.pdf
    BAD: “Core Abilities.PDF” or “core_abilities.pdf”
  • Use unabbreviated, descriptive words. Acronyms are acceptable as long as they are well established. Think: What keywords would a student use to search for this file?
    GOOD: welcome-back-lunch-at-fdl-campus.pdf
  • Append “-accessible” to the filename, if the file has been verified accessible.
    EXAMPLE: core-abilities-accessible.pdf


Published by Enterprise Systems on July 7th, 2021.