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Kevin Rodriguez

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  3. Kevin Rodriguez
Events from this organizer

Diversity Club Talks


What to do when something unexpected happens in the classroom? A discussion about how do we respond when something unexpected happens within the classroom. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/95482436724 Meeting ID: 954 8243 6724 One tap mobile +13017158592,,95482436724# US

BD: Make and Take: Beaded Bracelets & Keychains

Beaver Dam Campus, Commons Area

Join the Diversity Department as we piece together goals and dreams though beading. Create a bracelet or a key chain in celebration of elevating women everywhere. Sponsored by the Diversity Department.

WB: Make and Take: Beaded Bracelets & Keychains

West Bend Campus, Commons Area

In Honor of Women's History Month, come join the Diversity Department as they piece together goals and dreams through beading. Create a bracelet or a key chain in celebration of elevating women everywhere. Sponsored by Diversity Relations

Tri-Campus: Inclusive Language Zoom Panel

Join us, via Zoom to discuss the importance of Inclusive Language from 12:00pm - 1:00pm. Click HERE to JOIN! Meeting ID: 99639441879 Passcode: 250050 ; One tap mobile: +13017158592, 99639441879# US