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Mother-Daughter Duo Graduate from MPTC Nursing School

This graduation season, the Hiley family in Beaver Dam is celebrating not just one, but two incredible achievements in nursing. Jennifer and Rayna Hiley, a remarkable mother-daughter duo graduated together from Moraine Park’s Nursing program.

Jennifer Hiley’s journey into nursing began in 2010 when she graduated with her LPN from Moraine Park. “I’m comfortable working as an LPN,” she said. “It was my daughter who motivated me to come back to school when she told me ‘You know, if you start now, we would graduate at the same time’. Just her saying that sparked something in me, and I decided it was something I wanted to do for myself and my family.”

Rayna graduated from Beaver Dam High School in spring 2021 and enrolled at Moraine Park that fall. 

“I always felt that nursing was my calling and knew that I wanted to go into the health care field,” Rayna said. “My parents opened my eyes to what a technical school had to offer like affordable tuition, being able to graduate in just a few years and getting the same education without all the debt.”

Once Rayna completed her prerequisites and officially began the nursing program, her mother enrolled and joined her in the classroom. 

“When I began my courses, Rayna had been going to school for the first and second semester,” Jennifer said. “As a bridge student at the age of 46, it was very intimidating to walk into a classroom. Having class with Rayna and having an ‘in’ with her study group lessened the nerves.”

Their path has been one of shared challenges and triumphs—dinner table study sessions, balancing coursework with family responsibilities, and navigating the complexities of learning side by side. Yet, through it all, their bond has only grown stronger.

“I love the friends I’ve made here and the instructors are amazing,” Rayna said. “Maggie Laubenstein is everything I want to be in a nurse. She really challenges you to think at the next level and embodies what we strive to be as future nurses. I am grateful to have learned from her.”

Following their graduation, Jennifer will continue her career as a nurse at Dodge County Correctional Institution and Rayna will begin her career as an ICU nurse. The pair celebrated this huge milestone with their family, friends, and instructors at the Beaver Dam Campus Pinning Ceremony and Moraine Park Commencement Ceremony.

May 24th, 2024by Emilie Thielen